Saturday, April 29, 2017

Final Blog Post

Probably the biggest takeaway from this course for me was learning about ALEX and AVL. I am not teaching yet, so exploring these websites helped me learn what they are for and how I can use them.  I especially loved that I can on ALEX you can search for lesson plans that have already been created by other teachers. There is are so many resource out there for teachers, and I am still learning about a lot of them.  It is my goal to create relevant lessons that are rich in content, and sometimes you have to go outside the assigned curriculum to find additional material that will enhance your lesson and engage your students, and really get them excited about learning.

The second biggest takeaway for me was the chapter/activities on distance learning.  I know that education and technology are steadily moving forward, and the idea of distance learning is becoming more widely practiced.  In fact, teachers, parents, and students are using technology more than ever to communicate with each other about student progress, assessments, and homework. I think learning shouldn’t end when a student walks out of the classroom, and using distance learning as a way to further a student’s educational experience at home or on the go is a step in the right direction.

The third biggest takeaway for me was probably just learning about new ways to incorporate technology in the classroom.  There are so many options for keeping students engaged.  I don’t think school should ever be boring, and keeping your curriculum relevant makes students more apt to learn. It also allows the teacher to provide students with those technological skills that they will need in the future.  Students need to be given the opportunity to both formally and informally collaborate and communicate with other students, engage in critical thinking and problem solving, and learn about/experiment with new media like Prezi, Social Media, apps, blogs, and wikis.   Part of our jobs as teachers is to constantly asses and improve our professional development. Staying informed makes our jobs easier, and makes learning a lot more fun.

My favorite assignment was when we learned about video production during week 8. I had fun creating this video, so I know my future students would have fun with a similar assignment. I learned not only how to use the iMovie video editing app, but I also learned about the Kahoot platform and how it can be used in the classroom.  This assignment took me a while to complete, but I guess that is because learning how to successfully edit videos is complicated.  I also enjoyed learning how to do audio recording, and splicing and cutting certain scenes for the video. It was time consuming, but I think the more I do it, the easier it will be.  The great thing about video production that everyday new apps and programs come out that can simplify how we make videos.  I think videos are particularly useful because they can be used in both lesson instruction and enhancement.

I really like the idea of digital storytelling and I plan to use this in my future class. I would like to create a digital story of popular summer reading books.  I think a quick summary of the book paired with some biographical information about the author would be inspiring to students and may make them want to read more. I also think that I will use some of the digital assessment tools we learned about.  Websites like Quizlet are great for introducing new concepts or reviewing older ones.  I also like the idea of using videos to help struggling readers. Students who have trouble with fluency and comprehension often take turns reading aloud and to other students, but students could also record themselves reading and teachers can assess where they need work. Not to mention, they will benefit from listening to their own expression and pronunciation. Prior to taking this class it would never had occurred to me all the versatile ways video production can be used in a classroom. I know I will continue to benefit from the knowledge I have gained in the course, both in my career as a student and in my future classroom. I plan on continuing to explore new and innovative ways I can engage my students with the help of technology. 

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